On 28.05.2014, Timothy Murphy wrote: 

> I'm planning on moving the Fedora-20 system on my laptop
> to a new hard disk (500GB instead of 80GB).
> I've partitioned the new disk.
> When I copy partitions from the old disk to the new one
> with "cp -a" (running under a Fedora Live CD)
> I get a lot of messages of the form
>   diff: a/bin/acroread: No such file or directory
>   diff: b/bin/acroread: No such file or directory

I've done that quite often, and it's no problem.

1. Boot from an external medium, e.g. www.sysresccd.org
2. Mount both disks
3. Use "rsync -avxHSAX /source/ /target" to copy the partitions
4. Install grub2 on the new disk:
   - mount /dev/sdaX /mnt
   - grub2-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda
   - grub2-mkconfig -o /mnt/boot/grub2./grub.cfg

Reboot, and you're done.

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