On Sat, 2014-05-24 at 18:01 -0700, pat...@aracnet.com wrote:
> Playing back video (at least xine and mythtv), I get sound as
> expected, but the video just appears as a snapshot - no moving image.

I've had a similar problems, for a *very* long time, part way through
Fedora 9's lifecycle, with almost any player:  *Sometimes* it'd give a
still, sometimes it would play back normally.  *Most* of the time, if
you skipped forward, it'd get stuck on a still, and only recover if you
skipped-backwards.  This problem manifests itself on every computer I
have, and they all have different hardware.

tim@localhost ~]$ uname -rsvp

Linux 3.14.4-200.fc20.i686 #1 SMP Tue May 13 14:15:15 UTC 2014 i686

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