Great responses, thank you all.  This will help us narrow down the

Paul, I am about to join RSSC, the Robotics Society of Southern
I am not a great meeting or group person, as most of you know, I offer
my small tidbits of knowledge once in a while, but generally you all are
far above me in understanding how all this stuff works.  And while I do
work in Linux almost exclusively, my own work is rather esoteric to a
specific and rather narrow subject, that of Automated Test Equipment, or
as I like to call it million dollar testers for seventy five cent IC
chips.  But all that test does make things go better.  Heard of Six
Sigma, third order intercept, INL/DNL for converters, DSP for frequency
and phase analysis, or such terms as setup and hold times?  My world is
deep in acronyms, and combining the troubleshooting of physical
interfaces, with the issues of code speed and interface or bus speeds
and architecture choices.  I'm not good party company, either.
Matthew, Dave, Steven and Sudhir, thank you for the company names to
check out.

I really do appreciate it.

Les H

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