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Fedora is a big project, and it’s hard to follow it all. This series highlights interesting happenings in five different areas every week. It isn’t comprehensive news coverage — just quick summaries with links to each. Here are the five things for May 20th, 2014: Fedora Project Leader Robyn Bergeron announces her retirement ------------------------------------------------------------- Robyn Bergeron has been the Fedora Project Leader since early 2012, leading us through the F17, F18, F19, and F20 releases. I'll keep this from becoming a eulogy, since in her retirement announcement, she promises to stick around even after passing the FPL torch. But, thanks to Robyn for many excellent things over the past two years, including introducing the idea of reinventing FUDCon as Flock, championing Cloud, Big Data, and DevOps as *actual important things* beyond the buzzwords, and generally being awesome and supportive and above all deeply committed to the community. * FUDCon APAC 2014 in Beijing --------------------------- Fedora's main planning and development conference is Flock, (this year, in Prague in August), but we also have a number of "FUDCons" worldwide. That stands for Fedora User and Developer Conference, and yes, it's a little bit of a joke over the reference to Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (we are against that... *con* to FUD, if you will). It's okay, you don't all have to laugh at once. Anyway, the important thing is that FUDCon Beijing 2014 is happening this weekend. The schedule is posted on the wiki, and registration is open. Read more in an earlier Fedora Magazine article, if you missed it last week. * * * * * Fedora Package Database, version 2 ---------------------------------- Fedora contributor Ryan Lerch scooped me on this one, posting an article about this tool has been updated to a new version, called `pkgdb2`. (The "Version 1.7" you see at that link is because it's version 1.7 of the *rewrite*, following a grand tradition of confusing software numbering schemes.) This tool is primarily for Fedora packagers, but can also be useful to other contributors or advanced users, because it's an easy way to see who is responsible for software you're interested in, or to see what packages a particular contributor takes care of. For example, you can see the (small) list of packages I own. *]( * Help with release notes for Fedora 21 ------------------------------------- Perhaps you're one of the brave souls running Rawhide, Fedora's development tree, or are otherwise involved in testing or developing packages for the Fedora 21 release. Pete Travis from Documentation team recently put out a call to testers to help with the release notes by helping them track interesting things which should be documented. As he notes, just mentioning these quietly to yourself doesn't help, but there are a number of very easy things which *will*. You don't even need to write anything — just point at what's needed. * * CoreOS vs. Project Atomic: A Review ----------------------------------- Major Hayden has an interesting blog post comparing CoreOS and Project Atomic, basically from a systems administrator's perspective. (I talked about Fedora Atomic in a 5tFTW post last month.) Major's review is evenhanded and fair, but since this is a *Fedora* news post, I'm going to tip a little bit towards bits we have in Fedora and pick out this nice quote: > There’s a helpful GUI called cockpit that gives you a great status > readout on all of your connected servers. It lacks some functionality > in the container and gear management arena, but it’s very useful for a > pre-release application. One of the best features is the ability to > open a console for your containers right there in the web browser. I > find it to be more intuitive and more useful than more mature Docker > GUIs like shipyard. * * * * * * -- Matthew Miller -- Fedora Project -- <> "Tepid change for the somewhat better!" -- users mailing list To unsubscribe or change subscription options: Fedora Code of Conduct: Guidelines: Have a question? Ask away: