Rick Stevens wrote:

>> I'm trying to send email from my Fedora-20/KDE laptop "rose"
>> to my CentOS-6.5 local home server "grover"
>> (in order to run a SpamAssassin test),
>> but I am finding this surprisingly difficult.

> Are you certain that grover is running an MTA and that it's listening
> to anything other than Easiest way to find out:
> # netstat -lpnt | grep :25
> If you only see something like:
> tcp        0      0 ...
> then it's running, but won't accept incoming mail from the outside
> world. You'll need to bugger the config to make it listen to an
> additional IP. How you do that depends on if it's sendmail or postfix.

Thanks very much for your help.
The above command gives

  [root@grover mail]# netstat -lpnt | grep :25
  tcp  0  0*  LISTEN  27501/sendmail      

I'm using sendmail on this server,
and I previously modified sendmail.mc as follows:

  dnl DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=smtp,Addr=, Name=MTA')dnl

(afterwards running /etc/mail/make and re-starting the sendmail service).

I take it from the result of your command that sendmail on the server
is only listening to localhost? 

I should say that this is not a vital issue for me.
I was just trying to send the gtube spam test string to the server
to test SpamAssassin (which is working, but not as well as I would like).
If I send the message to my email address, it goes to my ISP's server,
which not surprisingly rejects it.

I realise now I could, and probably should, have sent the email 
directly from the server rather than from my laptop.
When I do this I see that it is rejected with an SA score of 997.1
which seems like overkill!
This worked when sent (with "mail") to tim , tim@localhost ,
tim@localhost.localdomain and t...@grover.gayleard.com ,
but not when sent to tim@grover or t...@gayleard.com .
It also works in exactly the same cases
when I undid the change to sendmail.mc 
(and compiled and re-started sendmail).

Timothy Murphy  
e-mail: gayleard /at/ eircom.net
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland

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