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On 04/28/14 14:11, Javier Perez wrote:
>> Putting your OS onto a 10 GB partition on that drive will take up
>> about
> 0.5% of its capacity.  It will also be much safer >than having it
> on an external drive, especially if it's a flash drive.
> I know, but I wanted the famous speed a SSD/flash system is
> supposed to give for the OS. Specially given that it is an old
> system.

My $0.02.  IIRC, I don't think ZFS is supported (or fully supported at
any rate) in linux.  I just did some research into that and couldn't
find anything recent about ZFS support for newer kernels. Granted, I
could have just missed it. If you want to use ZFS on that box for data
storage, look at FreeNAS.  It's fantastic.  Of course, it would render
that box unusable as a desktop for the most part, but there are
various Linux distros that can be run in 'jails' on it that may or may
not work for your needs.

Second, I wouldn't use a flash drive as your OS drive for a couple of
reasons.  We've used flash drives as test devices for some ARM boards
and the stability wasn't what you would expect.  Especially if there
is 'normal' OS activity.  We ended up having to move nearly all the
log files off the flash drive onto secondary storage to keep the drive
stable.  If you're worried about running out of SATA ports and have a
spare PCI/PCIe slot, just add a SATA board.  I had to do that with my
server at home.  It makes more sense to have the OS on small partition
either on a mirrored small pair of SATA SSDs rather than a single
flash drive.
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