On Apr 21, 2014, at 9:52 PM, Ralf Corsepius <rc040...@freenet.de> wrote:
> IMO, this is *the cause*, why Fedora has lost against its competitors.

I don't agree.  Fedora doesn't have competitors.  It fills a niche which I am 
not sure that
any other distribution truly meets.  Sure, some have bleeding edge forks, but 
then they
also have the necessity of maintaining their stable forks.  Fedora doesn't have 
a stable fork.

If Fedora is losing against anything, it's losing against itself.  And that may 
well be happening.
But it needn't worry about competitors.

The problem here is not that Fedora is not of value.  It's of plenty of value.  
The problem is
that this value is not understood by people who should know better.  Including, 
in some cases,
its own developers.


> Ralf
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