On 2014-04-17 01:31, Javier Perez wrote:
Hi Arthur
That is exactly the scenario that I want to avoid by having separate /home
and soft-linking the Data partition.

I wonder should I set /var on the HDD to save wear and tear on the SSD?


On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 2:02 AM, Arthur Dent <misc.li...@blueyonder.co.uk>wrote:

I ran a shared home and ran into issues with configuration files between the different versions of OS and applications. Since most are in a .{app} file within the /home/{user} directory.

Since then, I have a /home/{user}/Data directory. I even shared the Data directory within Windows using the ext windows addon. This meant that all files were shared.

Now this was a system with minimal users so it was easy.

It takes a bit of work on a new install but it is quite easy to maintain.


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