On 04/15/2014 11:10 AM, William W. Austin issued this missive:

I run current Fedora releases on my home office boxes, but at my "real"
office (i.e., where I *don't* own the machines) it is still mandated
that 2 particular machines will stay with FC17.  (This is a BIG
improvement because I was only able to upgrade the first one (machine
"A") a week or so ago. The other (machine B) is still running FC14 and
will stay that way until the next "maintenance weekend" some time in

I need to set things up so that cron jobs can run the scp commands
without anyone having to key in a password. But since the upgrade,
I've been having a problem getting scp to work in both directions on
the FC17 machine.

First I generated the two necessary id_dsa and id_dsa.pub files (ssh-
keygen -t dsa on both machines), and then I installed the id_dsa.pub
key from machine A into the authorized_keys file on machine B and vice-
versa (in the appropriate ~/.ssh directories).

 From a terminal, scp works fine in both directions.  However...

 From machine A (FC17) I can successfully do both of these:

        scp <FILENAME> <machine B>:/PATH (copy to machine A from B)

        scp <machine B>:/PATH/<FILENAME> (copy to machine B from A)

BUT from machine B (FC14), both of these fail:

        scp <FILENAME> <machine A>:/PATH

        scp <machine A>:/PATH/<FILENAME>

As I had this working when both machines were running FC14, I suspect
that there's something I'm overlooking, and I haven't found it yet.

I've been working at this for about a week with no results, and
if anyone has any pointers, suggestions, or a URL or two, I'd really
appreciate any help you can give me (yes I've read the manuals and
looked it up on line - but so far without figuring out a solution).

Try using "scp -vvv" on machine B to see where the scp is pooping out.
IIRC, the default authentication changed on F17 and the method FC14
uses isn't permitted. It will take a change on machine A's /etc/ssh/sshd_config file and a restart of the sshd daemon to make it work.

Sorry but I can't recall what the parameter was that changed, but the
"scp -vvv" should help you identify what it is.
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, AllDigital    ri...@alldigital.com -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 22643734            Yahoo: origrps2 -
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