On 04/11/14 01:22, David wrote:
On 4/10/2014 3:07 PM, g wrote:
above link gave 2 test sites. 1st gave no response, 2nd gave a
grade of 'B' and said site i was checking was not not vulnerable
to heartbleed attack.
all of which brings to question, if one does not store passwords
for critical sites, does it matter?
Does not *the site* store your password?
well, yes. unless site stores a cookie with my browser and decrypts
cookie to determine if i am who i say i am.
also, i guess there is something i have not read or missed in reading
too fast about this heartbleed bug.
would you have a suggestion of a link that give a good detailed
description of what bug is all about and how some sites are effected
while others are not?
peace out.
in a world with out fences, who needs gates.
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