Once upon a time, Dan Thurman <d...@cdkkt.com> said:
> 2) I downloaded F18 SRPM file, changed the SPEC file by adding
>     then rebuild which compiled with no errors, then removed the
>     old openssl files (rpm --nodeps -e openssl*), installed the new files
>     (rpm -ivh *.rpm in RPM directory)

Don't do it that way!  --nodeps is something you should never use.  You
could have "rpm -Uvh", or even "yum localinstall".

>     then proceeded to the heartbeat
>     site and it failed (red)

Did you restart services (or reboot)?  Under Unix, once a file is
opened, the reference remains even if it is removed/replaced.  If you
don't restart Apache, it will still be using the old OpenSSL libraries.
Chris Adams <li...@cmadams.net>
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