On Mon, 7 Apr 2014 08:57:23 +1000 Roger <are...@bigpond.com> wrote:

> My apologies for so off topic but I feel it is important to have 
> choice.  Not intending to change the subject or start a flame war.
> <snip>
> >> True. But if you do a search on it online (using DuckDuckGo, but why
> >> should that matter?)
> </snip>
> It matters because google SEO  pre guesses what it thinks you want 
> especially if you have done  a fair bit of searching on a topic. Google 
> works well the first time but becomes rapidly restrictive, limiting a 
> search to those previous searched pages.
> DuckDuckGo and IXQuick do not save previous searches IXQuick has options 
> to remove barriers.
> I run frequently into this problem when searching for assistance with 
> coding examples. Google always presents the same old same old to make 
> one's searches easier.
> I no longer use google for serious searches because of it's limitations.
> Hope this helps.
> Roger

I am not sure if this is relevant, but I use the following Encrypted
DuckDuckGo with Google Suggest search plugin:


It does suggest terms very well!


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