On 04/03/14 14:34, christopher marlow wrote:
well, I didnt mean actual cobwebs lol, just meant all the dust
bunnies :P

ok. and, you need to watch for rabbit droppings. :-D

seriously, you would do well to check fans for build up every
few months. dust/lint on fans and heat sinks should not be
allowed to accumulate.

watching with "sensors", make a note of cpu temp and fans rpms
with firefox loaded and unloaded when fans and sinks are clean.
then make notes every 2 weeks as dust/lint builds. you will see
a notable increase by 2 months.

if you keep a box on floor, cleaning should be done even more

Oh sorry forgot to say this is a desktop :)

matters little. for desktops with variable speed fans, cpu
heating and fan speed up still applies with firefox.

and again, watching "top", you will/may/should see a relation
to fan speed and cpu usage when running firefox.

i do not see it as a noticeable amount on my boxes for several

 1- i mount power supply fan to exhaust flow from supply
 2- i mount box fan to draw fresh air in.
 3- on a couple of boxes, i leave side cover off for
    max air flow.


peace out.

in a world with out fences, who needs gates.



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