On Sat, Mar 22, 2014 at 04:40:36PM +0000, Liam Proven wrote:
> As I have said previously, I have /never/ successfully installed
> Fedora on actual hardware since v1.0 shipped in, what was it, 2003? I
> have installed Haiku, Aros, FreeBSD, PC BSD, dozens of Linux distros,
> Windows 2 through 8, SCO Xenix, SCO Unix, OpenSolaris, OpenVMS,
> FreeDOS, DR-DOS, MS-DOS, PC-DOS, OS/2 1 through eComStation 2, MacOS 6
> through OS X 10.9. I am *not* a newbie and I am *not* an inexperienced
> inexpert fumbler.

That is toooo broad a statement. The serious problem with the UI only
began with F19/20 but which we users expect will get sorted out in due
time ( I hope ) but there was not such a serious UI installer problem
with other Fedora's. As a very old Redhat/Fedora user, I totally
disagree with you to the point that your other claims also get tainted

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