On 13 March 2014 20:09, Joe Zeff <j...@zeff.us> wrote:

> On 03/13/2014 07:04 AM, Mark Haney wrote:
>> Making RPMs and yum more efficient is great, don't get me wrong.
> Making them faster != making them more efficient if they end up not
> updating everything because they're using obsolete metadata.  That's just
> pushing the time needed for the upgrade into the future and pretending it
> doesn't exist.

Having to wait for yum to download the repos metadata when using 'yum info'
or 'yum provides' is just too irritating, especially if you have a slow
internet connection and less than 3-4 hours ago you had to wait for the
metadata to be downloaded... I set metadata_expire=1d in /etc/yum.conf for
that particular reason.

With yum there's metadata_expire_filter which you gives you finer control
of when the metadata is udpated, but honestly I found it too complicated to
understand and opted for setting metadata_expire=1d; FWIW I've not had to
change that value, i.e I don't see any discrepancies when using yum.

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