On Mar 12, 2014, at 7:11 PM, Patrick O'Callaghan <pocallag...@gmail.com> wrote:

> (Sorry for the subject line but it's the best I could come up with)
> I recently installed F20 on a new system with a 120GB SSD and 1TB hard
> drive. I'm using the SSD for /, /boot, /var and swap, and the hard drive
> for /home. I decided to live on the edge and partition /home as BTRFS.
> All this was done from Anaconda with no subsequent changes except adding
> a few labels.
> This is what I find:
> $ lsblk --fs
> NAME   FSTYPE LABEL                                                     UUID  
>                                MOUNTPOINT
> sda                                                                           
> ├─sda1 ext4   boot                                                      
> 6d5929d8-fd35-49e6-a8bf-aab5309dad77 /boot
> ├─sda2 btrfs  fedora_pxeclient-arch-00000-undi-002001-d4-3d-7e-f4-1b-08 
> 22fecad3-619d-4a9b-aace-35a2e4e04c49 /home
> ├─sda3 ext4   root                                                      
> 6a9a800c-309b-4b69-b269-884ad495e7b9 /
> ├─sda4                                                                        
> ├─sda5 ext4   var                                                       
> d5955869-af07-4d6e-b1b3-6ccb31208b41 /var
> └─sda6 swap                                                             
> 1431e6d2-531e-46cd-8633-1cf878c6b2a1 [SWAP]
> sdb                                                                           
> └─sdb1 btrfs  fedora_pxeclient-arch-00000-undi-002001-d4-3d-7e-f4-1b-08 
> 22fecad3-619d-4a9b-aace-35a2e4e04c49 
> Note that /dev/sda2 and /dev/sdb1 have the same UUID and label.

I think you've stumbled into a bug. Since Btrfs directly supports multiple 
devices, it's like LVM or raid in this respect, and for LVM and RAID, anaconda 
might be eager to configure multiple device layouts this way.

So I'm going to bet dollars to donuts this is a Btrfs raid0 volume. What do you 
get for

btrfs fi df /home     #this is short for btrfs filesystem df /home

> $ df -h
> Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/sda3              68G  8.5G   56G  14% /
> devtmpfs              7.8G     0  7.8G   0% /dev
> tmpfs                 7.9G  5.6M  7.8G   1% /dev/shm
> tmpfs                 7.9G  1.1M  7.9G   1% /run
> tmpfs                 7.9G     0  7.9G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
> tmpfs                 7.9G   72K  7.9G   1% /tmp
> /dev/sda1             477M  113M  335M  26% /boot
> /dev/sda5              27G  1.8G   24G   7% /var
> /dev/sda2             932G   73G  858G   8% /home
> Note that /dev/sda2 is mounted and /dev/sdb1 is not. However /dev/sda2
> has around 1TB of space, so it's clearly the hard drive.

Yeah the multiple device mounting behavior is different. You can mount either 
device and the entire volume is thus mounted, you don't have to be explicit as 
btrfs finds its other parts and uses them; it only complains when it can't find 

> What's going on, and should I be worried?

Well, it's raid0 so yeah I'd make a backup of anything important. It is 
possible to do an online conversion to a single device layout, but depending on 
what you have in /home it might actually be easier to back it up, blow away the 
current btrfs partitions, and redo the mkfs on just sdb1, add the new UUID to 
your fstab, mount the new /home and restore from backup. But I leave that up to 
you. The conversion is straight forward and it should work, I've done it a 
bunch of times but you know… "yay btrfs with crossed fingers".

> Also, how can I change the label of the BTRFS partition? I used the
> "btrfs filesystem label ..." command but although it registers the
> change, the existing fedora_pxeclient.... label still shows up
> in /dev/disk/by-label.

What do you get for

btrfs fi show

And does the first line Label: match the new label or the old?

Chris Murphy

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