On Mar 4, 2014 8:32 AM, "Pete Travis" <li...@petetravis.com> wrote:
> On Mar 3, 2014 7:58 PM, "Dan Mossor" <dan.mos...@outlook.com> wrote:
> .
> >
> > When the DVD is built, I pull the updates across the local network to
my machine and build the DVD there. These <4GiB transfers sometimes take
close to 3 to 4 hours using NFS, and it is a Gigabit network. rsync
appeared to be a bit faster, but my goal is to find the most efficient
transfer method to move lots of little -and some big - files across a local
> >
> > Dan Mossor
> What kind of NAS is this? Are the disks in good shape? Even with 10/100,
the transfer rate should be faster than DVD write speed, allowing you to
burn the disc on the fly, without copying everything to the workstation
> Gigabit has a theoretical max of ~125MB/s. You're nowhere near that;
changing the transfer protocol to gain a few percentage points on
throughout is a moot question when the bottleneck is clearly somewhere
else. If your workstation is a Raspberry Pi, you have probably reached it's
limits and should probably consider an upgrade for any measureable
performance gain.
> --Pete

Oops, sorry for dragging off-list, Dan .
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