On 02/01/2014 08:32 PM, Jerry Feldman wrote:
> I am running F20 with the latest updates, and recently there is a
> problem with text selection. While it is very prevalent in Thunderbird,
> I also had the problem In Firefox and in gnome terminal. Since this
> occurs across applications, I then installed KDE Plasma to eliminate
> Gnome. The problems definitely occur in KDE as well as Gnome 3.10.3.
> Additionally, I'm seeing some similar problems on Konsole.
> The problem is that in some cases when I try to select text I either
> cannot select an entire body of text. or sometimes a substitution is
> done. I also noticed that in Thunderbird sometimes when I left click on
> a button, it tends to double click.
> I sometimes run Thunderbird at work via X over IP therough an SSH tunnel
> to RHEL 5.10, and the problem does not occur so it seems that the issue
> appears with the local X server. As an example, I clicked at the end of
> the previous sentence and the background panel came up, so it seems that
> it is not restricted to an application or rendering engine. At this
> point I am wondering if anyone else had a similar problem.
Tried tinkering with the mouse sensitivity settings ?

Rejy M Cyriac (rmc)
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