On Sat, 2014-02-01 at 22:11 -0500, William wrote:
> John asks:
>  > So what happened when you ran 'rpm -V ...'? It will probably show that
>  > the package has changed in some way.
> I checked several.  In every case, it says "package [whatever] is not 
> installed"!  (But I checked, and the packages are where rkhunter is 
> looking.)
> I consider parts 2 and 3 of my original post closed.  But I remain 
> puzzled that rpm doesn't find packages that "whereis" finds in the 
> places that rkhunter has rpm looking.
I don't follow that.

> In every case, it says "package [whatever] is not installed"
So RPM is saying the package is not installed.

With RKH it depends on whether you have modified the RKH configuration
file to use the RPM package manager (I can't remember if mentioned this
or not). If it isn't using the package manager, then RKH will simply
verify files using the 'prelink' command. If the package manager is
used, then the 'rpm' command  is used. Either command can give an error
relating to prelinking (and this is what RKH is showing you).

I can't really help any further with this without going into more detail
about what RKH is doing. If you want to pursue it then contact me off


John Horne                   Tel: +44 (0)1752 587287
Plymouth University, UK      Fax: +44 (0)1752 587001

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