hi tim,
On 02/02/2014 07:59 AM, Tim wrote:
Allegedly, on or about 01 February 2014, g sent:
get a thumb marble and you can forget about having cord problems.

you can forget about keeping a "mouse arena" cleared also. which
is one of many reason i got a thumb marble.
Or a cordless mouse...  The usual wireless ones are a pain, you have
to keep on replacing or recharging batteries, and resyncing hardware
(the transmitter and receiver pair).  There's another type (that I'd
like to try), where the mouse pad plugs into the computer, and you
use an unpowered mouse above the pad.  Since the mouse pad isn't
moved, it should have a long life.
sounds like a good idea, but i would imagine it might have a high price.

I have to keep resoldering the buttons in my mice, as they get dry
joints and become unreliable, due to mechanical stress.  Either
through normal use, or mice that get dropped off the table and fall
on their buttons.  Mind you, I'm talking about mice that I've used
for many years, other people might just buy a new mouse every couple
of years.  I don't like being that wasteful

i have yet to have to do any maintenance on my thumb marble, other
than removing marble and cleaning lint from the 3 support points the
marble/ball rolls on. it is easy to do and takes less than a minute.

thumb marble i have is a logitech trackman marble, which i bought
about a year after they came out, over 20 years ago. 2nd generation
of this style had scroll wheel.

3rd gen is wireless, programmable buttons, and now called 'trackball'.


once you try one you will never go back to regular 'move around'
mouse. i have converted at least 10 people to them.

what i find convenient is you move only your thumb to move pointer,
do not have to raise and reposition a mouse to move a long distance,
it just sits waiting to be use, and if you are working with a bunch
of papers or books, i will sit on top of them and still work.

if this one ever dies, i will most definitely buy the wireless model.


peace out.

in a world with out fences, who needs gates.



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