A short while ago, during a power cut, my desktop machine failed.  A
power-up displayed symptoms consistent with a missing /boot partition;
attempting to boot under the rescue CD seemed to confirm this when it
did not mount the /boot partition.
Booting under the F20 LiveUSB key allowed me to manually mount the
partition; however, while I see files listed there some of them do not
appear to be readable.

I have seen the suggestion that all I need to do is to reinstall the
appropriate kernel files in the right place:
        * Mount / via LiveUSB
        * Mount /boot under / (above)
        * "mount -bind" the current /proc directory to the
          HD /proc directory
        * "chroot" to the / directory mounted (above)
        * "yum install" of grub, kernel, and logos
(all via

Is that what I'm looking to do, or is this dangerous?  Are there
alternate/better suggestions?
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