On Tue, 28 Jan 2014 12:32:32 -0700, Kevin Fenzi wrote:

> > Hi,
> > 
> > I was wondering if there is an easy way to list all the packages
> > installed on a F20 system from a particular repo.
> A incomplete, but possibly good enough depending on your purposes way: 
> yum install keychecker
> keychecker
> This will list packages installed by the gpg key they are signed with.
> This won't help if you install unsigned packages, but will help with
> things like fedora stable releases vs non fedora packages, etc.  
Distinguishing between Fedora packages a non-Fedora packages is easy
(provided that no non-Fedora package sets the Vendor tag to "Fedora

  rpm -qa --qf %{vendor}\\t\\t\\t%{n}\\n|sort

If one wanted to find out whether an installed package is from a
specific repo, that would be more difficult (and not even yumdb
gets updated if a package moves from updates-testing into updates).
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