On 21 January 2014 10:07, Patrick O'Callaghan <pocallag...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there some specific reason this needs to be cross-posted to three
> different lists (none of which is the Testing list)? Presumably those
> using dnf will get the update anyway.

It seems to me, Ales is damned if he does publicize the release, and
damned if he doesn't. Are you people not the same people that were
demanding exact feature parity before dnf could replace yum? The
alternative is he doesn't post these messages, you don't engage with
him and the various other people pushing dnf+hawkey; F22 comes without
yum and then everyone is angry because they weren't involved earlier.

I don't think one of these mails has actually thanked Ales for working
on dnf, and from someone who's intimately familiar with the yum
code-base, you probably should rather than lecture him on mailing list

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