Quoting Tom H <tomh0...@gmail.com>:
On Fri, Dec 20, 2013 at 2:34 PM, Robert P. J. Day
<rpj...@crashcourse.ca> wrote:
a long, long time ago, i reported an apparent glitch with NFS on
in that, at the time, it *appeared* that you couldn't set up
NFS so that *only* version 4 was running. before i start messing
with this again, anyone know whether that's changed? that is,
is it possible to set up a network in which only NFSv4 is running,
and no earlier versions are supported? thanks.
It's been possible to run nfsv4-only nfs for a long time, with only
port 2049 being let through the firewall. It only appears that you
can't because because rpc.mountd has to run on the server but it's
only involved in the exporting and not the mounting.
how does one configure fedora 20 to support only NFSv4? i'm used to
mucking with /etc/sysconfig/nfs in earlier versions of RH, and tweaking
the variables MOUNTD_NFS_V* and RPCNFSDARGS. i don't see those vars
in fedora 20 and, according to "rpcinfo -p", i'm currently supporting
NFS versions both 3 and 4. so how does one turn off NFSv3? thanks.
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