On Nov 22, 2013, at 4:53 AM, Andre Costa <blue...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Another (offtopic) question: anyone knows if Windows 8 can be installed so 
> far on the disk? (XP for example can't handle large disks) I would really 
> hate to have to repartition because of Windows... I will only use it 
> eventually for gaming.

You have one primary partition remaining in the MBR. I haven't installed 
Windows 8, so I can't tell you if it's any different than other Windows, but I 
think it will install into a single partition so long as it's a primary 
partition. Its preference is to have 2 or 3 separate partitions, but the 
installer is going to see it only has the one option to install to, so 
presumably that's what it'll do. At least this is how it's working on OS X when 
users prepare the system with Bootcamp Assistant, the resulting installation is 
a single partition Windows 8 install.

Chris Murphy
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