On 11/21/2013 10:00 PM, Eddie G. O'Connor Jr. wrote:
> On 11/22/2013 07:02 AM, Roger wrote:
>> Setting aside the fact that users list is hardly the place to
>> influence the
>> choice of defaults and it is entirely offtopic to the purpose of this
>> list,
>> the idea that users drive the defaults of Fedora doesn't seem to match
>> reality.  If you do want to present a good argument you think is
>> worthy of
>> consideration, do so via devel list.   Hint:  I can't stand X, so you
>> should
>> pick Y because it matches my preferences won't work.
>>> I agree that this isn't really the place to influence the choice of
>>> defaults, but it is entirely the place for users to form consensus.
>>> If you try to talk about this on devel you're open to getting called a
>>> power-user and trying to impose your view on the hapless users. If you
>>> try to talk about it here you're open to not getting heard. Which is
>>> why I'd encourage people to look at the spins to see if any fit their
>>> needs better.
>> I could not agree more.
>> I happen to like gnome 3.
>> Roger
> I would have to second that, I also like the Gnome DE, and use it daily,
> to me....it just "makes sense". But that's the beauty of Linux....it's
> all about choices!

Come Fedora 20, I'm doing a complete install rather than an update and
will try Gnome 3 again.  I can no longer tell if stuff that's odd is
carry forward from earlier Fedora versions. If I'm unhappy, I'll restore
my XFCE settings.

-- Steve
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