On Fri, 22 Nov 2013 07:28:53 -0500 Tom Horsley <horsley1...@gmail.com>

> I have a ssh tunnel setup between work and home, port 8022 on
> my home system is forwarded to port 22 on my work system, so
> I can ssh into work on port 8022.
> After some recent update, I can no longer ssh into work
> from home when I am running as my normal user at home. I get
> permission denied.
> When I su -l to root at home and try to ssh into work, it works fine.
> What the heck is up with that? Who changed what that
> could have that effect?
> I get the same password prompt. I type the same password.
> I'm lost here.
> (fully updated fedora 19 64bit at home and at work).

I also have fully updated F19 32- and 64-bit systems with a different
port. Nothing has happened to my ssh. 

Try using ssh -vvv and see if you can find something. 

Are you sure that there is not some other issue (eg. SELinux). Are you
sure that the firewall is set up. Here are some notes from my
installation (needed after F18):

#changing port number of incoming ssh:
# sudo semanage port -p tcp -a -t ssh_port_t ******
# where ****** is the port number desired
# get into system-config firewall and open the port ****** for tcp
# add the port number ****** in /etc/ssh/sshd_config replacing Port 22 (default)

# doing the same using the new-fangled firewalld (not sure if the above has to 
be done, but the latter has to):

# Start firewall-config.
# At the top, notice there is a drop down menu.  Pull down and select 
"Persistent Configuration".
# Select the Services Tab and then Edit Services.
# Find the ssh entry and click +Add
# Add the port you want
# Click on the green "reload" icon.
# You're done

I doubt this is the issue because you say that things worked for you
until recently but I still thought that I would mention this.


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