> > My F19 has suddenly become very unstable. After about 10 minutes of
> > running with KDE, the opened windows start to be closed automatically.
> > I even cannot stop the machine. I have access to the fedora menu but
> > its rendering is very odd and clicking on shutdown does not do
> > anything. I cannot go to a terminal either (with konsole which I
> > cannot start or with Ctrl+Alt+F2).
> Have you tried coming up in runlevel 3?

I haven't. How could I do it I cannot open a terminal as root?
However, one time, I could see a disk error while trying Ctrl+Alt+F2.
I then found the following:
where I saw that my SSD disk could just need an firmware update (my
disk is the same as the one described in the link).
I upgraded the SSD disk firmware and since then everything is fine. I
keep my fingers crossed because it may come again but for now,
everything is fine again!


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