On 11/15/2013 02:58 AM, Mitja Mihelič wrote:

On 14. 11. 2013 22:08, Rich Megginson wrote:
On 11/14/2013 08:50 AM, Mitja Mihelič wrote:
One of the consumers has crashed again and I have attached the stacktrace.
Four hous later it crashed again.

I do hope there is something in the stacktraces, so that something can be done to prevent future crashes.

Unfortunately, not enough. Looks like there is still some mismatch between the version of the package and the version of the debuginfo package.

rpm -q 389-ds-base 389-ds-base-debuginfo openldap openldap-debuginfo db4 db4-debuginfo nss nss-debuginfo nspr nspr-debuginfo glibc glibc-debuginfo
The suggested debuginfo packages were not installed at the time when the stacktraces were made. They are installed now. I have recreated the stacktraces and attached them.

The crash looks related to paged searches. We have changed this code somewhat in the next version. Can you try the latest version in the EPEL6 testing repo? 389-ds-base-

Also, if you are seeing the message:
ber_flush skipped because the connection was marked to be closed or abandoned

This means you are running with the CONNS error log level, which means you may have a lot of useful information in your errors log. Would you be able to provide that?
I can provide the error logs, but will need to anonimize our user data. How large a time time interval do you need?

The last log message in errors log was both times:
ber_flush skipped because the connection was marked to be closed or abandoned

The following versions 389ds packages were installed at the time:

Reragds, Mitja

On 17. 07. 2013 09:52, Mitja Mihelič wrote:

It may be best if I removed all 389DS related data from both of the consumer servers and start fresh. If they crash again I will send the relevant stack traces.

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