Am 26.10.2013 00:57, schrieb Roger:
> On 10/25/2013 09:08 PM, Andre Robatino wrote:
>> I have an old i686 machine with a Cyrix M II CPU which is (barely) capable
>> of running Fedora. The latest version of openssl
>> (openssl-1.0.1e-28.fc19.i686) breaks incoming and outgoing ssh. Outgoing
>> fails with the error "Illegal instruction (core dumped)" (see
>> ). I installed the
>> necessary debuginfo packages to get a stack trace from the core file (see
>> the bug). I guessed that the problem has to do with my CPU not supporting
>> the NOPL instruction, but can't tell from the stack trace. Has anyone else
>> had similar trouble with old CPUs, and is there any other information that
>> would be useful to collect? The maintainer hasn't responded so far.
> Yes, true for Fedora 19.
> Openssl latest update is very broken. It caused total lockouts on Rails 
> development on Heroku for several of us.
> Run sudo yum downgrade openssl openssl-libs openssl-devel.
> This worked for those of us who had the problem till yesterday Oct25.
> Don't do sudo yum update or the problem recurrs, grab latest Fedora updates 
> from software updater and make sure
> that everything openssl is not selected.
> I have no idea how to know when or if the problem will be fixed

affects pretty sure only i686


are all stable, also the F18 x86_64 builds and used on production servers
here from day ones with recompiled http/postfix/dovecot to provide working
Forward Secrecy

maybe older CPU's are the reason too, nobody is using i686 on recent ones

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