I had something like this happen to me a few years ago, though obviously it was not with current distros. As I remember, I booted from a Fedora live CD and one of the options was to re-do the MBR. I did, and it worked fine.


Look at section - Reinstalling the boot loader.

Frankly, if it wuz me, I'd just choose one or the other and run everything else as a virtual machine (I use virtualbox).


Note by the way that this will make Fedora your default boot, and if
your Ubuntu partition is screwed up enough, it may not recognize it as
such, which means you'll have to play Ubuntu games to fix it.

I thought about virtual partitions but if the primary linux stuffs up, everything is lost, If I were going this path I would use CentOS as the primary.

I wanted ubuntu and fedora to be quite separate but did not realise that upgrading ubuntu from 12.10 to 130.4 would trash the grub that I was using.

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