On 09/25/2013 12:40:47 PM, Tod Thomas wrote:
> On 09/25/2013 08:06 AM, Ian Malone wrote:
> > On 25 September 2013 13:01, Ian Malone <ibmal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> On 24 September 2013 19:33, Tod Thomas <fr33z...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>> I've read that fc17 is end of life but maybe someone has run into
> this.  I'm
> >>> running fc17, latest upgrades, using XFCE, and periodically the
> keyboard
> >>> just stops working, mouse is fine.  I end up having to mouse over
> ALL of my
> >>> open windows saving and closing.  Once I logoff and logon
> everything works
> >>> normally.  I've checked the Xorg log, messages, dmesg, everything
> I can
> >>> think of but its sill happening.  I even tried turning off the
> screen saver
> >>> but that didn't help either.  It happens inconsistently which
> makes it even
> >>> more annoying :)
> >>>
> >>> Not sure there's a single answer given the possible moving parts
> involved.
> >>> If nobody can think of anything off the top of their head could
> someone
> >>> suggest a good way to try and debug?  I'll be upgrading here
> eventually but
> >>> right now the timing is not optimal.
> >>>
> >> Can you change to a virtual console (Ctl-Alt-Fn where n!=1) when
> this
> >> happens? (And if not can you do it normally?) N.B. Alt-F1 should
> get
> >> you back to the desktop. Might help in working out whether this is
> a
> >> problem with X or with XFCE.
> >>
> > Also, may want to check you've not accidentally turned on some
> > accessibility option like sticky keys. (This used to catch me out in
> > KDE because a long shift keypress enabled it, until I got fed up
> > enough to turn that off.)
> >
> >
> Good idea, I have not tried the virtual console check, I will the next
> time it happens.  Any idea how to turn off sticky keys in XFCW?  I
> found 
> a suggestion using xkbset.

If that doesn't work, try holding down the shift key for 20 sec.
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