All of a sudden I cannot login to a gnome desktop on a 19 64-bit system. After logging in all I get is a grey screen. I've tried hitting Alt-F2 to see if I could start anything, that does no good. Occasionally when playing around with different F keys the screen will turn white or start flickering between grey and white. The root user can login to gnome3 just fine. I tried Gnome classic, no luck. I can login to KDE with no problems at least so I'm not dead in the water but I would like to get back to Gnome3.

I've tried moving all the $HOME/.gnome* and $HOME/.gconf* stuff to a subdirectory so they'll get rebuilt from scratch and it hasn't changed the behavior. After that I see new .gnome2, .gnome2_private, but no .gconf or .gconfd directories.

Is there an easier and/or more complete way to blow away my Gnome3 config, get logged in to a default set up so I can rebuild from there? I hadn't done much to the gnome config so it won't take me long to rebuild/retweak things.

Stephen Berg
Systems Administrator
NRL Code: 7320
Office: 228-688-5738

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