I've installed the Cinnamon desktop environment from the repos on my F19

However, I'm experiencing some issues related to the display.

First, some of the menu entries are not visible when I mouse over them.
They're there (they can be selected), but are 'invisible' (like a blank
entry) in the menu.  It's primarily those menu entries that require
scrolling down to see.

Second, after a while, the entire desktop will become 'disjointed' in
that the screen is jagged and nothing can be selected, even if you click
where it should be.

I suspect this is due to either a bug with the Cinnamon F19 packages or
it could be my video driver.  I'm using Nouveau vs. the nVidia driver
for my card:

NVIDIA Corporation G73 [GeForce 7600 GS]

I attempted to install the Nvidia drivers following the instructions
here[1] but my machine would hang at boot and not start X until I
removed the nvidia package and reverted to Nouveau.

Any ideas appreciated.

[1]  http://rpmfusion.org/Howto/nVidia



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