On 20.09.2013, ppq wrote: 

> Everything works fine on my ThinkPad Edge E135 with F19, so this is how it
> should look like: http://paste.fedoraproject.org/40764/
> Using a live system (F19, too) on my PC, the HDD works "a little" (i.e. very
> slow), while dmesg looks like this: http://paste.fedoraproject.org/40778/
> I'm always using the same cable.

I see similar errors on my stationary machine, too. I assume this is
somehow kernel related, but haven't had the time to create a proper
report yet. Could you please post the output of

 lspci | grep -i "usb"

In my case, it's a "Renesas Technology Corp. uPD720202" which is the
culprit. Looks like the xhci driver doesn't handle this chip

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