Hi Christophe,

On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 02:57:04PM -0300, Fernando Lozano wrote:
If someone provides newer windows binaries -- which aren't missing
dlls, like the ones at http://teuf.fedorapeople.org/virt-viewer-msi/
-- I will test then.
Please someone give me newer binaries I can test! ;-)
I gave you links to RPMs containing the missing dlls (rpm2cpio foo.dll
  | cpio -id will unpack them on linux) in
did you try adding these dlls in the place the installer put the other ones
to see if this helps?

My mistake, I read as if those were Fedora binaries I'd use to cross-compile the whose thing. I'll try unpacking those and copying the binaries to your latest msi install.

[]s, Fernando Lozano

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