On Sep 14, 2013 4:46 PM, "Jim" <binary...@comcast.net> wrote:
> The flash-drives that are Partition and formatted fat32 are being changed
to Read-Only file system , moving back and forth in Fedora 18 PC and Laptop.
> So the only way I can get around the problem is to format two different
Flash Drives to ext4.
> Any one got any ideals as to why this is happening ?
> --
I used to have this problem. I just formatted them - to hell with
fat(anything)(!) If there are files that you need on these drives, find a
Windows box and save them to something else first: maybe your smart phone,
google drive, Blackberry Box, school online drive; if you need the flash
drives to plug into a Windows box, it won't read ext4, but I just save
files for this purpose to a "cloud" drive.
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