On 08/31/2013 01:36 AM, Gordon Messmer wrote:
On 08/30/2013 12:35 PM, agraham wrote:

As you will all remember, a few years ago we kernel.org was hacked, I
cannot remember if that was ever resolved


That was actually my concern:

"Investigations are no doubt continuing on numerous fronts, and Kernel.org is working to make sure that each of its 448 users change their passwords and SSH keys."

The attack could have been specifically designed to cause a loss of trust as it did and the key regeneration that then occurred resulting in private keys being exposed via one of 448 users weak points, for future use (and would then be much harder to detect because nothing was changed at that time).



Need to get back to watching TV,
That's CCTV :) in the UK.
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