On 08/25/2013 05:06 AM, g wrote:

hello jim,

"at the end of this message, your SD card will self district." (bwg)

On 08/24/2013 08:16 PM, Jim wrote:
Fedora 18

how does one put a Boot sector on a SD card to boot off it.

The .img file has been install on SD card.

how has one learned to use linux and not learned how to use a
search engine? ((GBWG))

first, let me introduce you to ixquick and their _advanced_ search page.

their feelings about "PRISM" and surveillance;



from these pages, you can well see why i use 'ixquick'.

by entering;

   SD card Boot sector

in the "with the exact phrase" bar, i get;
[caps are not relevant. _i_was_lazy_ and used 'cut/paste to enter phrase]

   SD card Boot sector - Ixquick Web Search
   about 12,113 results.

more than enough hits to find results.

have a go at it.

*hint*. you will find an answer within 1st results page. ;=)

reason for posting this as i have? easy. your post is time stamped;

   From - Sat Aug 24 23:43:39 2013
   Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 21:16:18 -0400

my current time is 0356 cst.

so you can well see how much time you have saved had you _first_ used
'ixquick'. :=)


much luck.


I have used the google search, they talk about it, but they don't tell you how to do it. Using a command.
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