Am 12.08.2013 21:40, schrieb g:
> i did not notice anywhere op make mention of imap or pop. _only_emails_.
> your pushing imap and profile is not really needed and may tend to
> bring confusion.
> i _presume_ that he already has emails in his linux system, coping will
> still be faster copying them with in his system.

yes, and i presume that if he knows exactly what he is doing
he would not need to ask, and so it is most likely not the case
and *dangerous* do omve folders and files around

hence if it is me i have no problem to merge 20 thunderbird
profiles within 20 minutes without lose any message, but not
the average user and so my idea is

* look what are more messages
* look how much messages are the lesser ones
* look if you can move them away from your profile
* look that you have an idea how bring them back to your profile

hence, you can even move the files/folder from "Mail/Local Folders"
in case of POP3 accounts, but you need to be careful not overwrite
things and most likely rename files and folders

if we are at these details: delete all the .msf files which are
only the indexes to not need rename *two* files which are
"foldername" and "foldername.msf"

so technically it is really really easy but how to explain it
to the ordinary users not understanding the profile-structure
beause *that* is the hard thing?

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