On 8/8/2013 5:08 PM, T.C. Hollingsworth wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 1:34 PM, David <dgbo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Not to insult anyone but... This same situation happens with each
>> official Mozilla release.
>> I can certainly agree with not following the Daily/Nightly, Alphas and
>> Betas but the official(s) IMHO should arrive more quickly.
> *All* Fedora updates must go to updates-testing first, and they must
> receive at least 2 positive votes from the testing community to get
> pushed stable, or else wait a week in updates-testing.
> Firefox 23 was submitted for updates-testing mere hours after its
> release and got +5 before it even made it to testing (from people
> downloading it directly from the buildsystem), so it'll be pushed to
> the stable repository in a few hours.
> If you must have the absolute latest software on your computer at all
> times, enable updates-testing:
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Updates_Testing
> Otherwise, it takes a couple days for us to test updates and get them
> into the stable repository.  A two-day turnaround on something that
> updates as often as Firefox is perfectly reasonable.

Thank you for that. So tell me wwy the Xulrunner dependency for Firefox
came out right away, it alwyas does, and Firefox was delayed? As it
always is.

As I have said several times in this thread... I am *not complaining* I
was only asking why the delay.

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