On 07/29/13 14:14, Mateusz Marzantowicz wrote:
> On 29.07.2013 07:32, Ed Greshko wrote:
>> On 07/29/13 12:37, Isaac Cortés González wrote:
>>> Well, I'm having a problem trying to enable the new UI of LibreOffice
>>> 4.1, all this in F19+KDE; but for some reason I can't see it in any
>>> menuItem or any other menu or option; is this because of KDE or is
>>> there a dependency I haven't resolve?
>> It is way too HOT here in Taiwan so my brain is slower than usual.   What is 
>> the new UI of LibreOffice supposed to look like or do?  Any screenshots to 
>> show me what I'm missing?  I just updated an F19 system and don't see 
>> anything new.
> There are some changes constantly made to UI in LO but mostly they're
> visible from developer's perspective. They use more flexible way of
> placing and resizing controls on LO windows. Regular user has to be very
> inquisitive to see that changes.

So, how do I know if I am looking at the New UI or the Old UI?

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