On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 6:17 PM, Rahul Sundaram <methe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 6:36 PM, inode0  wrote:
>> The victims are all the members of this list who don't want to
>> constantly be exposed to all this drama. The facts are in this case
>> Harald did nothing wrong at all.
> Harald continues to claim that he is a victim of moderators targeting him
> unfairly and IMO that is wrong.
I think moderating only Harald is causing problems while not solving
any and I think this list's behavior of late is at the very least
uncharitable and unforgiving. Whether that is fair depends on your
point of view I suppose.

>> If we want the list to improve we need to stop twisting knives in old
>> wounds and let the injuries heal. Or we need more aggressive
>> moderation to stop all the agitating.
> Good luck with that

All I can do is suggest what I think could be done to improve the
situation. If the moderators aren't willing to do more and the
community isn't willing to give it a rest then I'll probably just join
others giving up on this list. It is embarrassing to the community and
is sucking the energy out of list members right and left.

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