This is back, <sigh> again. Having found out that fedup fails totally to work on drives with encrypted partitions, I tried to install from DVD. The DVD is good, the system is good, I booted in recovery but the partitions were not recognized as anything at all, so I rebooted to do full install from DVD. That's not happening, the DVD demands to do a network install. Why does this happen and how can I get by it? There is nothing to configure and [QUIT] works as expected.

NOTE: no, it's not practical to transport the system to a useful net, or do a network install over dialup. Install from DVD normally just works, what's triggering this issue? I realize that fedup isn't going to get fixed, I filed this as a bug against earlier releases, without getting a fix or workaround.

Screenshot of the drop dead screen at

Bill Davidsen <>
  "'Nothing to hide' does not imply 'nothing to fear'"
      - me
  "AT&T could not seriously contend that a reasonable entity in its position
   could have believed that the alleged domestic dragnet was legal."
      -judge Vaughn R. Walker of the U.S. District Court
       for the Northern District of California, EFF vs. AT&T

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