Am 16.07.2013 20:40, schrieb Patrick O'Callaghan:
> On Tue, 2013-07-16 at 13:22 -0400, Fernando Cassia wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 1:10 PM, Rex Dieter <> wrote:
>>> Linus is in a very special category, and I don't think his justifications
>>> can be applied to virtually any one else.  Especially, not *here*.
>> I support Linus'  position. Which is related to my sig file. Sometimes
>> telling the truth and being blunt hurts. So be it.
> I don't think the original point of this thread has anything to do with
> telling the truth (seriously, is anyone proposing we lie?), and
> everything to do with modes of expression. "I think you're wrong, for
> the following reasons" is being blunt and telling the truth as you see
> it. "You're wrong and also an idiot" is another thing entirely


i am since many years in this business

i was in a complete different business 10 years (there where
people sweat and are done at the evening)

* you can say 10 times "you are wrong because..."
* you can say one time "you are an idiot because..."

guess what brings you further at the and of the day
while the day has only 24 hours................

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