Am 15.07.2013 20:55, schrieb lee:
> James Hogarth <> writes:
>> Vendors (including pure open source solutions backed by a vendor) will
>> support a long term distribution but not something like fedora where the
>> increase of cost for them to support it due to potentially massive changes
>> every 6 months is significant.
> So you are saying that, for some good reasons, you can generally assume
> right away that in business applications the risks involved with changes
> greatly outweigh the potential advantage of having new features and that
> you need something that doesn't change for at least three to five years?
> Does that make it worthwhile to use software that cannot be upgraded
> when it reaches its end of life (either because support ceases or
> because new features are needed)?

after *TEN YEARS*?

not for me, maybe not for you
but surely!

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