On 12.07.2013, Joe Zeff wrote: 

> Yes, but is their experience recent enough to matter?  If they tried to
> upgrade using the earliest version of preupgrade, had problems and decided
> never to try again, how relevant is that, especially when preupgrade's been
> replaced with fedup?  Unless you know that, you have no way to judge their
> advice.

Only speaking for myself: I always try to upgrade first, having a
complete backup, of course. If it doesn't work, I reinstall. There's
nothing to loose, since I'm expecting to reinstall anyway.

That said, there are other things too which has been annoying me the
last years, and contributes further to *not* upgrading: systems which
had been upgraded showed often some weird behaviour the next few weeks
after upgrading. Small things didn't work, which worked for many
others. After doing a reinstall, these things worked for me too..

These are my experiences so far.

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