On 07/08/2013 08:05 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 09.07.2013 01:58, schrieb Frank McCormick:
I installed Fedora 19 recently but wasn't paying attention when setting up the 
portion of the installation. As a result I had an abbreviated form of my full 
name as a user name.

So I used the system utility to change is to my preferred username.
Problem is my home directory is still named my old username and at lightdm 
logon I have
to type in my new username and password ( which is the same). The logon screen 
doesn't offer
me my new name, but still offers the old name. Anyway to fix ???
* log out
* login as root in the terminal
* mv /home/olderuser /home/newuser
* nano /etc/passwd
* edit the line with your user, looks like below
* systemctl restart lightdm.service

if you don't have "nano" installed use vi or whatever
console editor or "yum install nano"

column 5 is the real name
column 6 the homedir
column 7 the edfault shell

[harry@srv-rhsoft:~]$ cat /etc/passwd | grep harry
harry:x:500:501:Reindl Harald:/home/harry:/usr/bin/bash

Did all the above but lightdm still only offers a login under my real name.
I'd like to get it back to how it was earlier...that is my login name as my
username..not as my real name.

frank:x:1000:1000:Frank McCormick:/home/frank:/bin/bash

It appears Lightdm uses only the real name as a choice..anything else
and you have to type in in as "other"


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