Am 08.07.2013 22:26, schrieb Robert Holtzman:
>> Also, no time for installation is displayed, I'm stcked there waiting
>> for an end!
>> Many thanks to all those crapy packagers who think that common people
>> are to stupid to manage their own computer!
> Wrong!
> Everyone else seems to be able to manage their own computers. Not sure
> what your problem is.
> A poor workman blames his tools.

maybe the direction try to hide mostly anything from the users
because one could overwhelm them with options and possibilities
which cripples down the IT the last few years by spit
powerusers in the face and prevent beginners to learn
details which are more and more hidden?

finally this leads that we in 10 years hardly have any
new powerusers with real knowledge because all the
beginners are trained in "OK, click; OK, OK, OK"

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