Am 08.07.2013 18:49, schrieb Michael Cronenworth:
> On 07/08/2013 11:24 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> have fun
> Technologies such as open proxies and bot-nets enable an experienced
> cracker to attack your system within a few seconds.

there is a *large* difference between a botnet and the typical
random scans happening all day long and in reality having
sshd not on port 22 alone is not a security enhancement
*but* it brings down the typical noice in the logfiles
to nearly zero what results in seeing *serious* scans
and attacks much easier by not clutter the screen 24 hours
a day

the same for rate-controls - you avoid the typical noise
in /var/log/secure and *ifÜ your sshd is not on the default
port *and* you have rate-controls *and then* you see
hits in /var/log/secure you can be *pretty sure* that
there is a *really serious* and targeted attack going on

> P.S. Please do not snip replies to exclude information that is relevant
> to the conversation. It makes you look like a troll

i quoted *exactly* the part i replied to and stripped the
parts i *not* replied to which is a perfect quoting style
instead a full-quote with no reference to my answer

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